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Bargain Rolls-Royce......

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jd_1984 | 14:58 Fri 12th Oct 2012 | ChatterBank
10 Answers

If your in the market, this one has had a massive recent depreciation!!


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Rolls Royce or not that is one ugly muther...
I would buy it......the car didn't molest anyone.
What are going to do with your other one sqad?
I can't see how having once been owned by Savile would have added any cachet even if he hadn't been outed.
Sorry for him in a way..he saw a way to make a bob or two..unfortunately it backfired..the sheme not the some, lose some...looks like he can afford it....

Hire it out for kids parties..mmm...couldn't have got it more wrong than that..:-(
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Haha yeah that poor guy! The kids party idea was waaaaaay off base... A lot of people have said in general conversation "It was obvious he was a peadophile and a pervert..!" Clearly not everybody
Not every body is disgusted enough to destroy their Jimmy Saville memorabillia...just take a look on E_bay....tons of stuff and plenty bidding for it!
Makes you think...?
I love the fact that his wife knows nothing about the car - she is going to be furious whe she finds out.
Don't get why a bride's family would pay extra for the bride to ride in Savile's old car.Would have thought it would hire as readily with any personal plate to hide its age. Seems a daft business proposition to start with, and the price paid was absurd.

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Bargain Rolls-Royce......

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