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Georgiesmum | 10:35 Sat 20th Oct 2012 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Will Chris and Germaine survive X Factor this weekend do you think???


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anybody but chris malone!
I hope Jahmene stays, I like him. As much as I dislike Rylan, I have a feeling he will stay. I think Kye might be in trouble.
Think the public will have mostly turned against Chris this week after the gossip about him, and good- he's not that good anyway.
no idea who these ' people ' are, maybe a post in media/tv would get a better response.. :) :)
B00 - what's the gossip?
Found it.
I read (granted both from The Sun website) that a) he's a bit of a git, and screamed at one of the researchers and b) he was a cruise ship entertainer and showed not one jot of nerves each performance he did, and people who allegedly know him also confirm that his nerves are faked.
Do you know what? I just don't care.

It's a totally contrived and fixed programme anyway.
But thank you anyway for adding your valued contribution to a thread about a topic you don't care about and taking the time to read it as well Hopkirk.
i haven't learnt the names yet (except Rylan!) which one is Chris?
I just googled 'XFactor Chris'
Was expecting that answer while I typed! LOL will do
I don't know who is who either :-)
I've always hated chris. He had an ok voice but its just not my thing. All that wailing and straining, he goes so red in the face he looks like he is constipated.

Can see him suited much better singing to a few grannies on a cruise ship.

Don't like the jamahl either. I know this isn't very nice but he is so ugly when he sings. And all those histrionics. Boring!
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They are the ones that are suffering from their nerves on X F actor.When Chris first appeared he was visibly shaking.

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