/// The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan said that in 2011, at least 943 women were murdered, nine had their noses cut off, 98 were tortured, 47 set on fire and 38 attacked with acid. ///
Is there nothing that the United Nations can do about this inhuman treatment towards women?
education would be a start, though look what happened when one young lass petitioned for education for girls, someone shot her in the head. Luckily she is alive, but that doesn't mean to say that if she returns home they won't have another go.
Well, based on the TV documentary this week UK police forces do need to make massive improvements to their performance in those types of cases (West Midlands and the Met were singled out as particularly incompetent)
but I'm sure the police would take a very dim view of UN officials coming in and telling them how to do their jobs
perhaps it's time then for them to make more inroads into this insidious crime. where is the honour in an honour killing, or indeed in the marriages of young girls to old men, or the wearing of a veil, you wouldn't think this was a modern progressive country going on some i see around me
turning young girls away who report assaults, rapes and threats of murder and doing nothing about it is probably not the right approach
In the case related the other night the Police did eventually get all 5 family members responsible for the murder and claimed they had learned a lot and made significant changes to their procedures.
Estimated population of Pakistan, 2011 : 187 million. At least 943 women murdered in that year. It's the 'at least' that's worrying, but the 'known' cases are a minute percentage of the population. Better education would reduce such assaults to nil.
Its when they bring their backward ideas into Britain that concerns me. We will not be able to influence the world about human rights... just sit back in horror at things that go on in Pakistan and should be treated as a failed state. With a population of over 150 million we should not encourage those with grievances to find sanctuary over here. The UN is just a failed organisation with conflicting views between East and West.
If the UN can't do anything then perhaps we should take the lead and withdraw all our aid to Pakistan, hoping other EU countries follow, until there is an improvement on their human rights record?