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jd_1984 | 11:10 Sat 24th Nov 2012 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Is it just me who has the fantastic ability to lose socks! At one time I must have had 15 pairs of black socks for work. This morning I had 3 odd pairs and 1 white sports sock. Where in gods name do my socks go????


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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ. drives me mad!! I bought new socks a few weeks ago and already some have gone missing!!
Washing machines are quite partial to them, they also don't like the light and hide under beds.
Nope. I feel like I'm always buying new socks to replace the ones that vanish in the black hole that's somewhere in my house.
Me too jd. Gawd knows where they go. I even sort the washing basket out to make sure they're not lost in the bottom but it doesn't seem to help.
Also tea spoons. They seem to disappear of their own accord too.
This is where they go....
to planet sock, of course......! x
Aahh, I don't think the iPad likes that link.
I think you should re post in the science section as this is surely proof of alternative universes.
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My partners son says its "sock faries".... He might be on to something here!!
There's a space-time wormhole connected to the back of all washing machines, which swallows odd socks, gloves and stockings and spews them out via a black hole onto a distant world of little green men . Unfortunately for the little green men, they haven't got any feet, only antennae, so the socks are building up there in thousands of unwanted heaps. But at least they are all clean.
I know its a bit childish, like having your mittens joined by a long cord, but M&S do packs with different coloured heels & toes. The worm-hole seems to reject them.

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