Hope you can advide. I keep getting spam emails (20 or 30 a day) from something called Canadian Pharmacy. They are random email addresses, over 100 so far, all @yahoo.com. I attempt to block them but still they come, seemingly randomly generated. How do I stop them altogether?
You can't. If you mark one email address as phishing then they justt use another random address. Obviously some people, somewhere, buy off them otherwise they would stop.
Like you, I get several a day, I also get many offering me penis enlargement, well, I ask you, at almost 70 what would I want with an enlargement?
Which email provider do you use, please?
Most have a system which allows you to filter out emails based on certain criteria such as name of sender or key words from the title or email, but spammers often get round some of those by spelling words incorrectly- e.g. \/iagra
Thanks to everyone for the advice especially factor30 and I've just that idea in terms of blocking emails with certain words. Hope this works. Best regards to all.