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No Mince , Thank You

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Bazile | 16:07 Thu 13th Dec 2012 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Apparently someone in the office was just offered a mince pie , but declined , because she is a vegetarian


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It will be because of the suet content
I'd have eaten hers as well.
Quite possibly because traditional mince meat has suet in it.
That's not unreasonable, are you suggesting she thought it was meat minced?
I make my mince meat with butter.
So do I Eccles,its lovely.
I think it is possible to buy vegetarian suet.
Original mince pies did indeed contin mince,but the modern ones contain the fruit most people know and love.

The suet is indeed made of beef fat, so the lady may accurately be a vegan, who eat no animal by-products at all - and a mince pie would be off her list.
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She is not a vegan and it appears from her later reaction that she did was thinking that the ' mince ' was indeed meat .
No disrespect to the lady,but where the heck has she been for the last few Christmases?
How could she get them mixed up?
Never mind,all the more for everyone else.
I am vegetarian and don't eat mince pies because of the suet. I do make my own mince with veg suet tho.
She's in the minority of veggies that I know. In my experience, they know more about what is in food that most non-veggies.
Most strict vegetarians steer clear of beef suet Andy - vegans will not eat any food priduct that comes from an animal whether living or dead (eg dairy products) and strict vegetarians will not eat any product made from the body of a dead animal. Many veggies will not eat cheese made with animal rennet, anything containing gelatine, certain alcohol products that are filtered with fish scales etc. You can get vegetarian suet and vegetarian mince pies, but I would avoid mince pies altogether unless I had bought them myself when I was a strict veggie - just to be on the safe side.
Worcestershire sauce? Non veggie?
Anchovies in Worcester sauce.
I found out that Oreo cookies weren't vegetarian recenlty! - apprently its because thye use a whey powder that contains animal rennet. I found this surprising as my company uses a vegetarian whey powder, so i know that there are options out there. - off point slightly i know,

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