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english | 01:07 Thu 29th Dec 2005 | Travel
4 Answers
do i need a vise to go to usa am a british


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You don't need a visa if you meet ALL of the following conditions:
1. Your passport is of an approved 'machine readable type'.
2. Your passport is valid for at least 6 months from the date of entry into the USA.
3. Your stay will be 90 days or less.
4. The purpose of your visit is tourism or business.
5. You will be travelling using an approved carrier. (Unless you've got a private jet this shouldn't be a problem!).
6. You've not got a criminal record.

The above is only a summary. Full details are here: 90

You will also be asked to supply the address of where you are staying, and when you arrive you will have your fingerprints taken electronically and your photo taken

Mostly covered by the previous posters - just a couple of points:

the address they want is for your first night, they don't (yet) want your complete itinerary although there have been mutterings.

the 6 months passport validity, although frequently quoted, is waived for British (and some other) passport holders - it only need be valid for your stay

you don't sound very british....have you taken flying lessons recently ?

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