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So How Was It For You ?

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Bazile | 19:47 Mon 31st Dec 2012 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
How was your christmas ?

What gifts did you receive ?

What did you receive that made you think ' what a load of rubbish '?

What gift did you give that would have made the recipient think ' what a load of rubbish ' ?

What's your wish for the new year ?



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Yep...It most certainly will :-) It was partly my fault, we were going into town to get ME gifts, stopped and my uncles pub for a quick drink and the rest is...errrm, a bit of a blur :-)
1. Nice and more relaxed than I expected
2. An underwater camera, loads of cosmetic goodies, a pedometer, a nice dress watch, a hard drive, a PS game and some CDs, masses of Maltesers
4.Nothing I hope
5. The proverbial lottery win but mainly good health and happiness for those I love (and me and you of course)
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These watering holes are a distraction , aren't they .

I bet the plan was for a swift one , eh ?
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Just a swifty. Should have learnt from past experiences :-)

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So How Was It For You ?

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