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Capping immigration

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sp1814 | 16:28 Sat 26th Jun 2010 | News
13 Answers
I've just seen on the BBC news that the government will be capping non-EU immigration to 24,100 per year.

However the total immigration figure per year is 590,000.

Will this cap appease those who worry about the 'erosion of British culture/way of life'?

What do the dailymailers think? Are you happy with EU immigration as it stands or are you still concerned about the number of East Europeans working in the UK?


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>However the total immigration figure per year is 590,000

Per year? You make it sound like it is that every year.

It was that figure in 2008 (and 427,000 other people left that year) but it varies from year to year.

Personally I think the WORST thing this country has done since the seond world war is to allow so many immigrants in, particulalry from Asia, Africa etc.

While I have no problem with SOME immigration, we now have cities where almost 50% of the population are non-white.

There are schools here in Birmingham where EVERY kid in the school is non-white.

There are parts of Birmingham, if you drive through them, you would swear you were in Bagdad or Calcutta. We have whole sections of Birmingham full of uneducated immigrants who have no interest in working, no interest in paying tax, no interest in speaking English.

They are a drain on our country.

And because we allow anyone from the EU to come here, it is easy for say a persona from Poland to come here, marry an illegal immigrant, and that then gives them the right to live here.

This was a scam uncovered just a few weeks ago. See more here:

I am afraid Europe has been far too generous in allowing so many immigrants in, and allowing free movement amonst all EU countries.

It is just going to drag Europe down into the gutter (many parts of it are there already)
Spot on,VHG.!!
I would like to see stronger controls on immigration but one adverse affect is that severe restrictions are imposed on people of Australia, New Zealand and Canada who could be described as our "first cousins" . Meanwhile every Asian manages ts able to bring in people who have no connection in any way whatsoever with Britain and seem to want to create Gujerati all over the land.
I agree with all your sentiments. This subject makes me feel so angry that I must refrain from a lengthier reply.
excellent V H G
Why, I've often wondered for many a long year, does Britain have so many economic immigrants, as opposed to, say, immigrants who will make positive contributions to our economy rather than just draining it? And why doesn't it work in reverse, i.e. Brits emigrating don't become financial liabilities to their chosen countries, do they?

To me, the fundamental reason why so many Brits get hot under the collar is when we not only see multitudes of "open palm merchants" being admitted, but also criminals of all descriptions who are arrive in our country, legally or otherwise, and where at least some of them perpetrate some heinous offences or engage in nefarious activities for all too long. Things like that rightly cause outrage amongst our citizens, and it is as much the sense almost of betrayal towards those to whom we've opened our borders as much as anything. Plus the fact that so much crime is being committed by people illegally at large in our midst is also hard to bear.

I'm aware that we as a nation are bound by various treaties and conventions etc regarding immigration to our country, but I feel myself hard pressed to think of any other economy in the world which has so much pressure put upon it by many thousands of non entitled incomers than ours.

I wouldn't base this on the premise of political allegiance or which preferred newspaper you read, it's a much more pressing issue than such trivialities. No, it's more akin to a dam which has burst wide open and which urgently needs to be shored up before it empties completely.
Its only a temporary! make it permanent

this country has lost its identity to millions of immigrants who have no interest whatsoever in preservingthis countrys culture heritage or identity.

eastern europeans are not the problem , africans,asians and muslims are the problem

Wake up !
Unhappy with All uncontrolled immigration - legal and illegal - EU and non EU - sensible controls need to be applied to All immigration - there needs to be a fresh and full open national debate over a reasonable period of time - culminating with a full spectrum of varying policy proposals being drawn up and put to the electorate via a national referendum.

We should be prepared to disregard All EU and non EU restrictive agreements and conventions

Let the British people democratically decide by national referendum - being prepared to radically shed Any of the suffocating existing rules.

The Coalitions impending “non EU” Immigration Cap amounts to mere window dressing and does not seriously address the issue of proper Immigration Control.
I think the cap will only limit those that are applying through the proper channels to come here and work or study.
Everyone else will still find a way.
I'm not worried about anyone "working" sp, It's all the scroungers I want out.
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Some interesting points raised.

Not sure I'd agree that specific nationalities are responsible to the erosion of any cultural identity though.
What a sad load of xenophobes you are! I know a number of immigrants, from Eastern Europe, India , Ireland , Turkey and they all work extremely hard and do well, there isn't much competition from home grown "talent"
They do their work with smiles on their faces unlike the miserable, surly girls I frequently see in shops who ignore you as if you are invisible , and make you feel like you've invaded their own private space!
Orcadian Oil ... Where do you find that bile you've printed ? Daily Mail? Or some other Tory rag ? Total bull!

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