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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:43 Wed 02nd Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
113 Answers
Wednesday already! Tempus fugit.

I've just been out in the garden, there is a light haze in the sky, creating and enormous ring around the moon. Quite beautiful it is.

Have a happy day everyone.


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Hmmmm.......can I bring my axe's lovely. Hanging on the kitchen wall at the moment.
And you behave Harem Boy. x
Yes - I do seem to be in a "cooking container calling the water boiler ..." situation ;+)
Your axe, I'd forgotton about your axe, I'm beginning to have my doubts,
Hmmm...considering your wording there Dave. x
So is that the chainsaw out too? :-(
tart is soooo negative Romantic adventurer sounds so much better
Thank you Rowan....I'll settle for that. x "Boiler" wasn't impressing me either. ;-)
have to say men are more Romantic opportunists ...
I guess its the sort of women that live near Coventry.... he's used to boilers
Regards the chainsaw, have you ever been to Texas?
< stop digging dave >
Good idea Dave. x

Yes Baldric...the house I was staying in was struck by lightening...set fire to the wood paneling. Guess the invite is off?
A sense of self preservation does tempt me to say 'under review as we speak'

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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