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mra1 | 22:05 Fri 04th Jan 2013 | Crosswords
3 Answers
I now have 16Ac as Snow and 17D as Waste Lands - I have hit a snag - 20 Ac (10) Jameson eponyms like readers of the Evening Transcript observed by 17's author now works out as ?O?T?N?A?S - I originally had continuate - but it must now end in L from Lands in 17D The A is from Iphigenia in 7D -so it cannot be continuous - can you use continual as a noun and therefore plural? Dont see this in Chambers - can anyone clarify the position please


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Bostonians 20a
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Thank you very much - I was going for an adjective and that was the only one that fitted originally - I have never heard of the Bostonians but it fits a treat! Thank you once again
Don't have access to this puzzle but assume its from the Times literary supplement.The Bostonians is a novel by Henry James published in 1886.

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