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West End Cinemas

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Maydup | 17:06 Sat 05th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
Do they get impossibly busy?

Living in rural Norfolk we're used to there being just one man and his dog in the cinema when we go! But we're off to London for a few days and thought we might catch a new film in Shaftesbury Ave or Leicester Sq if we have a rainy day. Can you just walk up or is it essentual to book?


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Thanks again Em. I've found the cinema websites, the times of the showings and whats on where but no indication of whether its advisable to book. So as you suggest, I might avoid Les Mis and try Pi.

Lee ho fook perhaps?
you can thumb through films here
you might have to queue a while if you don't book, but you may still get in. Expensive either way but I suppose that's London. As said it'll depend on what film and what session.
Maidup the best place around for food is Stockpot, dont go anywhere else unless you want a burger! If you want to watch the world go by sit outside at All Bar One I think it is, on the corner of Leicester Square before you turn right for Stockpot. The drinks are a fair price for central London, they have heaters outside, and people watching is great !
if it's Les Mis my predictions it will sell out if it hasn't already.
It doesn't open till 11th Jan and will be a stayer, big film and lots of fans of the show. I have seen some of the previews and it looks amazing, take a big box of hankies if you do see it.
Try the crypt of st. Martin in the field in trafalgar square for a really nice very reasonably priced meal. It was a les routiers cafe of the year last year and really is good.
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Agree Eth, St Martins is a favourite haunt of ours. A hidden gem.
a trip to Cninatown is okay for a stroll round just dont eat there [ tourist trap] also give Covent Garden a look over lots of people watching & street theatre which I love as its always something different.

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