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Sqad - Bp Advice Please.

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netibiza | 13:31 Fri 11th Jan 2013 | Body & Soul
11 Answers
Hi sqad, today I tested my BO (as medico was cross cos I never do it) and it was 161/89 and now 5hrs later it is 135/91, is that OK?


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Not BO I do not have BO I have high BP!! really.
Seen worse..........but seen better.

What BP tablets are you taking and what strength?
and what age are you, netti?
DT...oooooooooh! never ask a woman that question.LOL.

She is about 58 years old...........I think!
The higher reading, the Systolic pressure, varies enormously with one's exercise,emotional state, thoughts, digestive state, hormonal status, etc.
The lower reading, the Diastolic pressure, represents the true B/P when the heart is resting. Anything between 70 and 90 is relatively normal.
135/91 is marginally OK for a youngish person. Quit worrying about it, or your Systolic pressure will go haywire.
So, at her age, the diastolic is a tad to high, the systolic marginal..........I can understand why you say you have seen worse. My mater (78) was, at one point, 170/105 and her last one at 105/62 (one time she was 48 on the diastolic - and we joked that she was dead - the doc readjusted the bp medication - her cataract surgeon was delighted as, apparently, the surgery favours those with low bp - I have no idea why.
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I am 68 and I take co aproval 150mg/12,5mg. The thing is last week couldn't get to the docs to get my health card recharged with meds, (sqad will understand that) and was ekeing them out and skipping a few days, but it will be OK now won't it, I'm usually 120/70 (I think)
Netty...yes.....go back now to your original dose and get back to us in 6 weeks with another reading.

No harm has been done.
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Thanks sqad, never been so high! x Felice año nuevo xx
y usted *
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I am NOT usted, I am tu!

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