Mm Links Results January 2013 Week 2 in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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Mm Links Results January 2013 Week 2

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gen2 | 19:03 Sun 13th Jan 2013 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
Another tough challenge was set for you all by 'Queen Christiana' but were you one of the lucky few?
I can now reveal that her chosen links were:


Were you one of the lucky few? Find out below
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First to score, 9 minutes into the game, was Strix, who looked out of the window and decided to take a RAIN CHECK for 2 points - later matched for a single much later by Wickedtongue. (Why didn't Strix look in the mirror and think of 'bird watching'?)

Three quarters of an hour later, Jobjockey remembered that the 'Big Garden Birdwatch' takes place on the 26th/27th Jan and opted for BIRD WATCHING which was the later choice of Seekeerz.

Over an hour into the game and Elspeth decided that the FOREST FLOOR was the place to be (2 points) followed mid-afternoon by Shazza for a single

This game was looking to be a really difficult challenge. Was it because it was inspired by a trip to Australia? Was it the LANGUAGE BARRIER that was holding players up? Whatever it was, Kettledrum overcame it for her 2 points and then just after midnight, Twix123 overcame the same obstacle for a single.

And that was it! 4 links, 12 points and just 8 point-scorers;
2 Elspeth
2 jobjockey
2 kettledrum
2 Strix
1 SHAZZA-Hewat
1 seekeerz
1 twix123
1 wickedtongue

That makes it difficult to choose someone as HOTSHOT but I have decided that the last elusive link was the most worthy so:

**** HOTSHOT FOR ****
**** THIS WEEK IS ****
**** KETTLEDRUM ****

Combining those scores with last week's gives the following positions on the leaderboard.

4 grannydi
2 BigMac
2 Eiggam
2 Elspeth
2 evsajo
2 Handbaglady
2 jobjockey
2 kettledrum
2 patchett
2 Strix
1 Baza
1 CHRIS-Hewat
1 kawakiri
1 seekeerz
1 SHAZZA-Hewat
1 twix123
1 wickedtongue

I shall be requesting an audience with 'Queen Christiana' to see if we can improve matters for you all for next weekend.
. . . but I don't think I can persuade Her Highness to offer you WHINGEING, DINKUM, WALTZING and BARBIE - even if we stretched the rules a bit.

Until next weekend then:
Same time
Same place
Happy Linking
Oh dear - must do better. After all, I am Christiana, the Cheerful One - not Queen of Mean. Next week will try to shower my loyal subjects with blessing and, more importantly, POINTs- fair dinkum I will!
Thanks to Queen Christiana and as usual to Gen2.
Wow! Thanks for the unexpected accolade Gen2. And thanks to Christiania for setting the links and for her interesting guided tour of Australia.
heavens !! a point !! thanks Christiana and gen2
Absolute Zero here as well. At least I have two points carried over from last week. Will throw caution to the wind next week and try some really obscure guesses, if I can think of any that is! Well done point scorers

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Mm Links Results January 2013 Week 2

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