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Ab Preachers – Are They Influencing Your Beliefs?

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naomi24 | 08:50 Sat 12th Jan 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
75 Answers
The sole intention of some here appears to be to preach their own particular flavour of religion. Is it working? Has anyone been tempted to find out more - or does it have the opposite effect?


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My posts at 18:17 and 18:30 are soon to be removed on the grounds of stupidity.
Sometimes I should think before I post.
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Keyplus.// If Quran was copied from Bible then why Muhammad (pbuh) left out trinity (which is not in Bible anyway) and resurrection part?//

Because Mohammed’s intention in fabricating a new religion was to emulate Judaism – not Christianity – and therefore he plagiarised predominately the more ancient writings of the bible – the Old Testament. Hence like the Jews, you do not recognise the Trinity, and unlike Christians, you are circumcised and adhere to dietary laws closely aligned to those of the Jews.

Your claim to have studied all religions isn’t true. Had you done so, you would have been well aware of the Eucharist – but you weren’t, because until you were corrected on these pages, you thought alcohol was forbidden to Christians. You’ve never made an informed choice on religion. You’re Muslim because you were born in a Muslim country to Muslim parents, and you’re no different to most Christians – or Jews – or Hindus for that matter - who are what they are by an accident of birth.
My post about Bible and Quran was meant to be for Keenonhist. If he comes and ask further questions or talk about it then I will respond. I do not have time to waste for people who are here just to waste time and therefore I have not even read posts from Naomi and my little birdie.

////Now, can you tell me why it is a sin to question religion, and faith, or to rebut some of the more absurd claims of those of faith, or simply to ask for evidence to support some of the wilder claims?////

Who told you ever not to question religion. I have asked there that I will welcome any positive questions, scrutiny, criticism or anything as long as I have not talked about the same things to the same PERSON. Because then it becomes time wasting matter and perhaps for that reason you can see my above paragraph.
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Keyplus, //I have not even read posts from Naomi and my little birdie//

Ha ha! You are funny. You clearly don't have an answer to them – but you’ve read the posts – otherwise you wouldn’t know that my response was to the question you directed at Keenonhist. Incidentally, LazyGun’s post, that you’ve responded to, was to sandyRoe. It’s not all about you, you know - although I'm sure he has no objection to you answering.
I don't think the preachers you're talking about care too much about whether anyone's influenced or not to be honest Naomi.

It's more a case that they feel they have a duty to do it. They're satisfying the requirements of their faith to spread the message.
Yes, Mibs and others, I do realise that I could have made a general argument with keyplus about gods and belief, but that's old hat with him.

I was more interested in missnemesis's complaint that she was not allowed to discuss her beliefs on this site. I offered to help by discussing with her a religious topic of her choice.

No response so far. She may, of course, be busy or away. I hope she hasn't had second thoughts about her wish.
#Ab Preachers – Are They Influencing Your Beliefs#

No, but it does make you more careful about what you write and the danger of using generalities. Many of the posts encourage research which is a good thing to keep the grey cells working.
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Ludwig, //It's more a case that they feel they have a duty to do it. They're satisfying the requirements of their faith to spread the message.//

You could be right. I doubt that many are inspired purely by altruism. If they were, and if they had any sense, rather than trying to frighten people into submission, they’d at least make it an attractive proposition.

I can’t help thinking that in attempting to recruit others, they feel a need to reinforce the uncertainty of their own belief. We’ve seen it before. ‘Lots of people believe it so it must be true’.

Modeller, //Many of the posts encourage research which is a good thing to keep the grey cells working.//

Sadly, they don’t seem to encourage the religious to research. Maybe it’s because they know in their heart of hearts, research will lead them to discover truths they'd rather not acknowledge.
I have found their post very enlightening. The extent of their delusion and their ability to shut out reality has been quite surprising.
Note how Keplus looked at all the religions for an answer.

Of course having been primed in his childhood to require some kind of religion he failed to consider the possibility that religious belief of any kind is utterly irrational.
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//Note how Keplus looked at all the religions for an answer. //

That's a fallacy. ;o)
Yeah. Muslims all pretend they looked around and found that only Islam made sense.
No doubt he studied Islam, Mohammedism and the Muslim faith before he settled on the true path.

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