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2sp_ | 22:33 Mon 14th Jan 2013 | Editor's Blog
15 Answers
I know this question is ancient, but why is the first answer in blue and the third answer in purple?

I found it in the related questions under the "Packets of Crisps" one in CB just now.


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We used to be able to write in colour on here, and bold, underlined and italic.
ooooo, weird!
what a good idea to have that......
Question Author
I think I first arrived on these shores in about 2006 or 2007, so must have missed that.

Thanks ummmm!
It's not a good idea. It was really hard to read posts in yellow and some threads were colour overload. We are, mostly, grown ups on here.
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I imagine it would become silly.
I was being sarky.....

gawd just imagine adding more colour to all the clutter on here, the relative threads being the latest decision to clog things up. I am of the "lets have a button for that utility" school.
Question Author
I could sense your sarcasm, DT!

Didn't think multi-coloured threads would be your thing.
We used to have lots of requests for moving avatars and emoticons....

What a mess that would look..
lol - the proverbial dog's boIIocks I would think................
Question Author
It's that whole thing about everyone wanting to be different.

Great quote (no idea who from...)

"Remember you are an individual, just like everyone else."
we used to be able to do coloured, bold, italic, invisible (for spies)...

it was quite fun
this is one of the things about Related Questions, it takes you back to another era with more functionalities
Yes, I remember the time when I had 'functionalities'.

ooooo tis my question!

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