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Tilly2 | 19:53 Fri 18th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
I have this advert on some AB pages for Vibram footwear. They are shoes with toes in. They look awful! Has anyone got a pair? What are they supposed to do? Please don't tell me to click on the advert. I won't do that.


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they are running shoes, Tilly. They are barefoot running shoes and for the more advanced runner. I'll provide more information if you need it...
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Oh, thank you, judge nutmeg. I'm not a runner. I power walk though. I think I'll pass on those. I have my Oasics.
They reckon that Barefoot Running is better for you because it's lower impact, but all the Barefoot Running shoes (Like the Vibrams) have much thinner soles. It can take from six months to a year to get used to wearing - you've got to harden your feet to the increased impact.
What the funk? Specialist footwear for fetish lovers? Whatever next???

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