I can't understand the toffee factory, there seem to be an awful lot of staff producing very little and supporting two sons, their families and their father. In all soaps people seem to be able to set up businesses or get jobs in businesses for which they seem unqualified. How is Debbie qualified to run the garage for example?
Very, very dull at the moment. Also, I don't like the smutty comments that have suddenly popped up, last night Val said something about someone wanting to "get into someone's pants" and then when the new vet was chasing after Edna, Paddy said "just because you're desperate to get into Edna's knickers"!!!!! Lord knows I'm no prude but it's getting on my nerves now.
Can't understand about Edna - does she owe money to pay for the vets bill. What is happening to her? Who is the new vet, is she Rhona's friend, she gets on my nerves! The Debbie and Dom story is puzzling, she is obviously trying to trap him? Where is Cameron? I can't think of a single part of any storyline I'm interested in at the moment and I've been watching it for many years. I have missed several episodes and am completely lost! I even missed half of tonights episode as I was getting the tea and didn't care about missing it ..........unheard of, ask my OH!!
I agree, the new vet isn't a good actress. Also that storyline about Debbie and the courier is so awful. Also, why doesn't Katie leave Declan if she's not happy. such a bit of moaning about nothing!