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Any Recommendations Re Those Accident Claim Firms?

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mrs_overall | 08:48 Wed 30th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
This probably should be in motoring but I thought I'd get more response here. I want to start a claim against a taxi driver - I was a passenger in his taxi when he crashed. There are a zillion firms that advertise on TV and the internet. Any recommendations?


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have you sought legal advice from a solicitor, if so they might be able to advise.
I would go to a local firm.

Was it the taxi drivers fault?
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Yes it was the taxi drivers fault
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Would a local firm charge me?
if you are sure of your case, chances of winning, you could get one of these no win no fee companies.
I used a local firm and didn't get charged. Some get you to take out an insurance policy if it's not a guaranteed win.
Don't get into another had the need Mrs O..sorry...seems plenty to choose from..
Bit of a minefield mrs o, the no win no fee mob have a bad rep - I'd stick another post over in Law for more specialist answers
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Thanks all xx
wast a proper licenced taxi or a mini cab ? do you know if the police prosecuted the driver ? also were you the only passenger ? I would go for no win no fee in your area, because even if you just go to a solicitor for advice its gonna cost.Good luck Mrs O, did you get hurt ?
Hi Mrs O - I would repeat this in Law section so Barmaid can answer, she's the expert! Hope you succeed in your claim .......... you deserve to x
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Dee it was a proper licensed taxi and I was the only passenger. The driver was rubbish at driving. He "kerbed" the car twice which damaged his wheels and impaired his steering and then ran into the back of another car. The accident put me in hospital for 3 days.
The Police were not informed as at the time I felt OK. He did exchange details with the other driver.
He rents the taxi from the taxi company (and is on their insurance) and when I rang them for his details several days later, he hadn't told the taxi firm about the accident. The taxi had to be towed away and he told the firm the damage was the result of him hitting the kerb once
sounds like you have a good case Mrs O.
Mrs O, I would be inclined to do one of two things:-

Firstly check your house insurance policy to see if you have any sort of legal cover. If so go to them and they will instruct one of their panel solicitors.

If not, go to a local firm who does personal injury. In this case, I anticipate you will be able to get ATE (After the event) insurance to cover your costs and the solicitors will probably agree to do it on a CFA (no win no fee) basis.
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Thank you xx
Good grief, he shouldn't be on the road with driving like that!

We had a taxi pick us up from an airport several years ago in the dark, the taxi driver was in a foul mood as he had been called in, as his colleague was ill. It was after midnight and raining. We got in the car in the designated pick up area and then he was so angry he put his foot down and zooooomed out of the car park, not seeing the barrier was down - phew a heart stopping moment as I could see what was going to happen, we crashed straight into it! Luckily it didn't break the windscreen, the barrier just shattered. He didn't tell his taxi firm but we did and they got proof on CCTV and I think he was sacked or not used on that run again ................ wonder if your accident would have been on CCTV Mrs O?
Any other witnesses besides the other vehicle?
Morning MrsO. I booked a free half hour with a good local solicitor....we had an hour with no charge. He advised me to do as Barmaid suggested, check with my house insurers. They looked at my case, agreed to take it on with a limit of £10,000. Any fees after that I would have to pay.
no win no fee is fine, but you want to win and the solicitor will want to win as they want to charge a fee, but some firms now offer you 100% of your payout and their fees are claimed seperately, I know they are probably only topping up the claim to cover their fees but at least you start off knowing what you can expect to win. Did you call the cops btw? you'll need their ref number i think. you should contact them now, he may have been dodgy .
im surprised the plod were not involved as injuries were involved. Have they been informed now ?

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