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Blair Is Honoured By The Poles.

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anotheoldgit | 10:03 Wed 30th Jan 2013 | News
17 Answers

Excuse me, but aren't our polititions suposed to be working on behalf of the British people, after all isn't it us who put them in power?



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Most of the people who work in my town actually ARE Polish.

Even the fish and chip restaurant on the pier, about as traditional an English seaside location as you could imagine, is staffed by eastern Europeans.
/// but aren't our polititions suposed to be working on behalf of the British people ///

A commonly held misconception I fear AOG.
Here is the story without the Mail/Express/Telegraph spin...

// The former UK leader was chosen on account of backing Polish efforts to join the EU, opening up the British labour market to Poles, and overseeing a growth in trade between Poland and the UK during his tenure in office.

Blair followed in the footsteps of his one of his own predecessors, Margaret Thatcher, and former US president Bill Clinton, with the Special Prize always bestowed on figures from outside the business sphere. //,Tony-Blair-honoured-at-Polish-Business-Leaders-Awards
Shame the Brits haven't honoured him with a reward, such as a warrant for treason.
I think Blair is the cleverest self serving PM this country has had in the past century. He has sucked to everyone who will further his career and bank balance. More importantly he knew when it was the time to duck out and let someone else carry the can. When the financial bubble burst he dumped it on to Brown. He only got one calculation wrong when he failed to get the EU presidency despite selling us out with his multi billion £ reduction in our rebate. However he is still creaming it off with his current roving commission.
Sucking up to the Poles...

// Let me say, however, that in my view Poland and her neighbours have been selfishly, short-sightedly and shoddily treated by the European Community. The very products - textiles, steel and farming - which are so crucial to Poland's industrial prospects are those which, for the sake of minor short term political gain, some Community governments are determined to exclude. This is not just harmful to Poland: it restricts the choice and puts up the price of goods to consumers within the European Community. I would like to see immediate agreement on opening up Community markets to the widest possible range of Polish products: and I want to see Poland admitted as soon as possible to full membership of the European Community. You have not only much to gain - you have much to contribute: you should be allowed to do so. //
But this award is coming from Poland is it not, rarher than the UK, so the question doesn't apply.
Anyway, a story guaranteed to get all those guilt-ridden ex Blair-voting DM readers apoplectic no doubt...
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Always the one to have a go at the so called 'Right-Wing Press'.

But even though you chose to use a Polish Radio report, it still gives out the same message.

/// The former UK leader was chosen on account of backing Polish efforts to join the EU, "OPENING UP THE BRITISH LABOUR MARKET TO POLES", and overseeing a growth in trade between Poland and the UK during his tenure in office. ///


Yes that was all part of the award, appreciation for giving all those Poles jobs.
Don't forget the 25,659, Polish kids for whom their parents claim benefits and tax creditS , Aog. Even though the kids live permanently in Poland.
Gomit #opening up the British labour market to Poles#

Gromit how right you are Polish immigrants jumped from 75,000 to 532,000. because of his open door policy.
Which combined with the 2.5 million extra immigrants during his watch is
another of his personal achievements.

Yes, aog, helping Poland to join the EU, as cited in the Daily Mail, inevitably 'opened up the labour market to Poles' All member states agree to open their labour market to workers from other EU states and even those which apply a quota do so on the basis that it is temporary.
what north and south, ?
JJ, one of the blokes who runs a chippy down on the front, near the wheel, is a right charmer, or not, he could do with going to the rank school of charm.
well at least someone thinks the richard head is worth honouring
Well Blair should send it back then.

The Poles became EU Citizens and able to travel freely throughout the EU through the Maastricht Treaty signed by whoever was Prime Minister in 1992.
Gromit Did Maastrict allow uncontrolled immigration . No ! it only allowed movement ,not residence . There were sovereign applied restictions of 90 days and no rights to remain .

That all changed under Labour.
All other EU members with the exception of Sweden and Ireland applied strict immigration controls . Labour didn't they opened the door wide.
All very well for them, they didn't have to put-up with him!

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