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Any Advice

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weecalf | 21:20 Tue 05th Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Mate asked what should he say .He has an interview with boss about reducing his hours ..this was extra hours given but because of changes they will either have to be reduced or taken completely .As they were given on the understanding that things might change and the situation would be reviewed The company would have the power to do this .I agreed so could not give him any advice .Only to suggest he could mention that he had come to rely on the extra wages and would suffer from the loss of earnings . Any suggestions


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Rather than justifying his need of the wages, can he justify to the company that the additional hours (and therefore additional pay) should continue - only in ways which benefit the company, especially financially.
It is always foolhardy to become reliant on overtime. As it was made clear at the beginning that things might change I'm not sure your friend has a leg to stand on.

To claim reliance on the extra hours will quite probably fall on deaf ears.
I would say thanks for accommodating 'me' with the extra hours because I really needed it. I understand you have to do what you have to do but, if you ever need someone to fill-in when someone's absent, or there's extra work and you need someone to put in extra hours or do overtime, I'm always available.
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Agree with you views ,was just wondering if there was something which we could have thought of before hand rather than saying afterwards I wish I thought of that .
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Spoke again today .theresult was the part of the job was not cost worthy for a full year so they told his that it was only going to be available during spring summer for six months .Now was thinking would he be better advised to have half the wages over 12 months or six months on full wages .No real difference but I said at least he would know what to expect every month and it would be constant .,rather than high wage the fall for six months of the year .Did that make sense

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