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Mm Links Results February 2013 Week 2

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gen2 | 19:22 Sun 10th Feb 2013 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers

This game has now closed and therefore I can reveal what 'Emperor Kawakiri' had chosen for his four links. They were:


Even though three of those links went in front of their declared challenge word (always less popular), we had a much greater number of points being claimed.

See below for the details.
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Question Author
Firstly, a warm welcome to new player COTTACK, No points this weekend but come back next week and try again (though please note that our rules say that all answers are from 4 to 8 letters in length).

All links were found within the first few minutes of play.

First to play and first to claim was Roslyn251254 with SWEET HEART (2 points)

BigMac then remembered his FIRST LOVE and Baza was right there too - both for 2 points.

Christiana obviously had a gift GIFT TOKEN left over from Christmas (I hope it wasn't for HMV or Jessops!) and once again Baza was there too - again 2 points each.

The last link fell at just 6 minutes past 9 when Evsajo used her CREDIT CARD to purchase a personalised numberplate EVS 810 fully endorsed by beejay1124 for 2 points each.

From then on just single points were on offer but there were several claimant for double hits (Elspeth, seekeerz, twix123 and 2unicorns).

So in summery, this week's scorers were:
4 baza
2 2unicorns
2 beejay1124
2 BigMac
2 Christiana
2 Elspeth
2 evsajo
2 roslyn251254
2 seekeerz
2 twix123
1 deecee131
1 patchett
1 paulineward
1 sibton
1 ulysses100

Which means that for being the highest scorer and double-hitter:

**** HOTSHOT FOR ****
**** THIS WEEK IS ****
****** B A Z A *******

When added to last week's points the leaderboard . . .
Question Author
. . . now looks like this:

5 Baza
4 2unicorns
3 Elspeth
2 points 13 players
1 point 8 players

which means that at this half-way point of the month, it is still anybody's game.
Baza has the top slot at the moment but can he hols on to it?
Can you do better and take that top slot?

Come back next Saturday to challenge him.

Until then
Same time
Same place
Happy Linking
Thanks Your Imperial Majesty (I had to look that up!) and Gen2. Not getting anywhere this month so far...
ty gen
yippee, finally on his emperorship's wave length - thanks to you both
I got 2 points !!! I always knew a credit card would come in handy !! Thanks Gen and Emperor xxx

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Mm Links Results February 2013 Week 2

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