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Painting Plastic??

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MadMen | 14:13 Mon 11th Feb 2013 | DIY
8 Answers
I have a small childs chest of drawers which I would like to paint.
The drawers are made from wood, but are coated in some kind of plastic.
I would like to keep the drawers as they are in excellent order and really solid. I just want to change the colour.

How do I go about painting plastic? What would I have to do to prime it?

The drawers are from the Ikea Mammut kids range, if that helps.

Thanks :-)


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I use this one to paint (externally & internally) uPVC windows, doors, fascias etc. Then any colour of your choice on top :o)
14:45 Mon 11th Feb 2013
I use this one to paint (externally & internally) uPVC windows, doors, fascias etc.
Then any colour of your choice on top :o)
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Thanks Builder. What would I do without you eh! :-)
Well, thank you Mads.

I get that product by mail order, but you might find something similar in B&Q and the like
What would "We" do without you!
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I need it this evening really, so I've written it down and will ask the "knowledgeable" people at B&Q.

Thanks again :-)
Haha Sips ............... it's a pleasure :o)))
I would also give it a bit of a rub-down with some fine wire wool, then degrease it with meths. The product that the builder recommends is excellent. Some decorators I know use the shellac based one for priming & undercoating if a quick turn-round is required.
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Thanks Carrust. I didn't manage to get to B&Q this evening, but will have a look online now, and reserve it for tomorrow.

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Painting Plastic??

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