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giveup | 00:14 Tue 12th Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Anyone tried Tesco's Spaghetti Boloneighs .Sorry


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God, just seen it on the news. Think it is a drastic marketing ploy to turn everybody vegetarian!! lol
neigh I can't believe it , what are the odds on Lidl being the same.
I agree with you - hay hay!! : )
Noticed that Aldi are pulling some of their meat products from their shelves. A lady in M&S today said she was going to be a 'vegan vegetable' from now on.
TYje answers easy. Get your meat from your local family butcher, or else use Morrisons, they always boast that all their meat is British.
British horses Gmum ? Lol
i've had tesco's value spag bol several times recently and quite liked it, i don't care whether or not it contains my little pony
Can't say it bothers me MUCH...have eaten horse knowingly in the past ...

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