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Re Earlier Thread Music Magpie

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giveup | 20:09 Tue 12th Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Is there anywhere similar that buys records. Our wardrobe is full of them.


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Do you mean vinyl or cd's?
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Vinyl,mainly 70's and 80's.Brilliant condition. My husband wipes them with some kind of cloth every time he plays them. Or he did,probably have'nt been played for 10 years or more.
Ahh, do you really have to get rid of them? I would keep them if you can.
However, I once had to get rid of a load of vinyl (over 5000 records!!!) and I found the easiest way to do this was to list them on Ebay.
Now, you can either list them individually (if you have the time and patience) or do as I did, and do them as a job lot.

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We've got hundreds plus all duplicated on CD's ,seriously one whole wardrobe is full up.
What have you got? Name a few.... I would love a record player. I've never even held a record! :(
wow erin, your last sentence made me feel so old!

Never held a vinyl record? Wow!!!
*splutters drink all over keyboard*

As above. Never held a record??

Nope.... My Dad replaced all of his with cd's before I was born :(
I can get 3 ferrero rochers in my that a record ? Lol

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