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Could Our Posts On A Thread....

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B00 | 19:02 Sun 24th Feb 2013 | Editor's Blog
17 Answers
Be numbered?

Many times i've thought it would be a good idea to say something along the lines of "in response to post number 20 (for example)....." instead of saying a particular users name which sometimes can me difficult to spell?


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what a good idea - then we wouldn't have to say "see my answer at 11.25 am"
Question Author
Yep, exactly what I mean, far easier to say "I think post number 1 is right" than having to scroll back to check you've spelled a username right or faffing about looking for the date of the post.
Did you wake up that sensible or did it just creep up on you as the day wore on? :)
well I too think it is a good idea, I do it in a way by counting down from the top of page - but numbered would be good.
Re 1:
What thread was that on?

(Sorry I've just been writing ditties)
B001 has a certain "je ne sais quoi" to it, I must admit.
Very very good idea Boo. I'll second that!
Sounds good to me

This can't be a good idea or else I would have already have thinked it up.
Some old BOO7 just did...
Question Author
No, I mean under our posts, kinda where the report button is, there's a counter. This for example is 11.
oh it's wearing off then.........
I know, I just wanted to type boob.

I think Shoota thought you had gone to bed.
It is a good idea.
Question Author
Shaddap you
Question Author
Lol, the shuddup was to dotty, you both got in the way
I've bought another of those special offer cheesecakes, bloody good they are, why don;t they stock them all the time? I know they're only on thsi months specials but they are excellent, mind, i wouldn't pay over £3 for one lol

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