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Creationst Museum, Im Not Sure Where This Should Have Been Posted, R&s Or Jokes

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RATTER15 | 20:14 Sun 24th Feb 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
12 Answers

Well I settled for R&S as it is more worrying and sad than funny


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That's the sort of thing that is so typical of certain parts of the US,and it scares the **** out of me because there are those who really,really believe that nonsense.
Adam and Eve-first man and woman 6,000 years ago-yet Man was starting to grow wheat 10,000 years ago....someone's very wrong.
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I did like the dinosaur in the garden of Eden though,Sweet!!
And soooo realistic. Eve didn't bat an
I wonder if professor Cox's present series will ever be aired in the US - that would have the creationists/inteligent designists frothing into their coffee....
Strange , isn't it - "creation" happened one thousand years after the Sumerians invented glue.
But the video is the best laugh I've had all day
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All those dinosaurs going up the gang plank and the only animals,
10 months later, that even got a mention were a raven and a dove. Maybe all the carnivores ate all the herbivores and with nothing left to eat , they too would die out, which would account for how the dinosaurs were wiped out. Probably for the best , as when they landed on Mt Ararat it was a dead world with nothing to eat anyway. Apart from that six mile deep
subterranean olive tree which the dove had found.
gave up when i heard a noise, it was nothing serious, but it startled me more than this piece of nonsense.
Did you see the Triceratops with a saddle. LOL
Its easy to make fun of certain people who perhaps don't have
enough intelligence and/or education, and who end believing this.

But millions of Americans think all this makes sense, and that really scares me. How the hell did they put a man on the Moon !
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Mikey, //How the hell did they put a man on the Moon !//

They were guided by Gods hand!

(Snigger snigger)
ben trovato

very well found
gives hope for us all

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