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Are You A Complainer?

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Smowball | 16:51 Thu 14th Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
If you are in, say, a restaurant, and have bad service, or bad food, do you complain? Or do you just resolve not to go back there?

Same goes for buying things. if you buy a food item and you aren't happy with it do you write a letter, or just dont buy it again?


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Yes I complain politely if it's something serious enough. My parent's home educated us and they actually included that in their curriculem, because they felt it was important that we know how to look after ourselves and stand up for ourselves and other people. I don't moan or complain about little things though, only if something is really wrong.
Bad meal in a restaurant, I leave it and refuse to pay for the meal I haven't eaten. This is legal as I give my name and address if asked for it. I pay for any drinks and food I have eaten.
I never accept a replacement meal - I've lost my appetite

Bad service, I don't tip.
If the service/food whatever is not as promised--- complain but, NOT to Customeer service! Find the name of the C.E.O and write personally to him/her, with your return address on the envelope, set out your compaint in simplistic terms and be surprised at the rapid response and normally with cash refunds for the item or your bill. Has yet to fail for me.
I complain by letter if something is extraordinarily bad. I once had a dreadful meal in Lacock: mean portions, everything was dried up, atrocious service, insolent waiter, warm lettuce, cold coffee - the whole thing was disgraceful. I certainly wrote a very angry letter. Then, more recently, I had the most unpleasant experience of being shouted at in the quiet carriage of a train by the ticket collector who totally lost control of himself when I asked him not to make so much noise. In the quiet carriage !
The train company has now received from me a letter which contained so much outrage that it might well have burst into flames.
yes -it is your duty to complain otherwise the responsible person/ business will be none the wiser -there is a knack to complaining never blow your top -assertive not aggressive -but never appologise for complaining
I love a good complaint. I had an opportunity to make one today when something I ordered was delivered to a different company's office in our little business estate. The delivery man didn't bother to look for the right unit, just went to the first one he saw which meant I wasted two hours in the office waiting for it (I did need to go out) when it had already been delivered. I actually took pleasure in firing off an email to complain.
//Yes, I complain. I think the last time I had cause to complain in a restaurant I was quite upset since I had recommended it to friends and it was LOUSY. Everything that could go wrong did. The Manager got sent to see me and resolved everything. Consequently we still go back there. //

Barmaid - since that episode do you trust them not to ' accidentally ' sneeze in your meal ?

Yes I do, Bazile because generally they are a good outfit - they also know me as a regular and a good tipper. The food is normally excellent - as is the service. The way the complaint was dealt with was professional and courteous on both sides and the situation was resolved, I think to everyone's satisfaction.
If provoked, yes.....
If necessary, yes - but I do it quietly and politely. I detest fuss.
Yes I do but you have to really pee me off to make me do it. Last complaint I made was to John Lewis and I got £50 in vouchers for my troubles :c) I'm not a shouty, sweary complainer though, I try my best to be polite and reasonable... which is difficult when my eyes are giving the look of death! ;o)
I am a complete wimp, I moan and mumble and when the waiter asks if all is OK, I beam at them and say "yes lovely thank you" I hate myself!
I'm not a complainer but if a meal is rubbish, I will say so.
I complain where I feel it is warranted (I also compliment when something deserves it). I usually complain by email although I will complain face-to-face. I am never rude to the person I am dealing with as it is usually not their fault.

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