I have a photo that I wish to print a section of, using the above prog.I have sectioned off the required area using the Marquee tool.But when I go to the printer/prog. settings I can't find or there isn't a way of "print selected area" Can anyone please suggest a way of overcoming this.Thanks!!!
Hi Codswallop,
PS7. I think the best way is to COPy the selected area, go to FILE -NEW- PASTE, then to IMAGE- ADJUSTMENTS-AUTOLEVELS and then SAVE. You can jiggle with the pic as needed, save again and print.
Hope this helps you. like your name !!!
Otherwise right-click on the selected area, choose 'Select Inverse' and use the Fill Tool to fill that area with white (or with the colour of your choice).
If options within the File menu (such as Save or Print) only appear in grey - and are therefore inaccessible to you - click on the Move Tool to reactivate them.