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Bitterly Cold Out There!

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Ann | 18:41 Mon 25th Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Just ventured into town and can honestly say I have never been out in such a cold gale force Easterly wind, it really took my breath away and almost froze my eyeballs! Dreadful weather! Glad to be home! What is it like with you?


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pretty much as you describe but thankfully no power cuts
Same here Ann.
the same here Ann

i do not mind minus degrees temperatures, providing the air is still ..
but when the wind is blowing . . "aaaaarrrrghh!!"

exactly the same! I'm sat at work with my coat on and I'm usually moaning about how warm it is in here.
When I've been outside the wind is really quite painful....
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No - none here either, poor people, it must be dreadful for them especially for lack of heating.
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It's enough to get icicles on the ed's fishing rod, lol!
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//the wind is really quite painful// Exactly chelle, it made my face actually hurt as I was hurrying back to the car, everyone has their heads down battling against the wind. I doubt there will be much of an outdoor market here tomorrow on Market Day.
same here snows too but doesn't lie. I hate the wind could do without that really
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Its 2 degrees on my outside thermometer but the wind chill must be minus 10!
I hate the wind could do without that really

Have tried taking any Settlers qom lol.
Everyone stand down wind of Tony, lol!
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I've always hated cold wind, nasty weather. I don't mind being out in the crisp snow if the sun is shining and there is no wind. The snow has mostly gone from our area (except in rural parts) but its the wind - its really howling now and next door's car port is going to take off at any minute!
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//the wind is really quite painful//
Haha I prefer Rennies for that ............
I have just popped out to the shops too and I thought so too Ann. Absolutely bitter cold !
According to what I read on the BBC and here, you guys have really had rotten weather over there. On the shores of Lake Ontario it's a balmy 6 degrees and sunny. You're right: the wind always spoils things.
Baltic here in Edinburgh....
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Not too bad then stewey - when my Great Aunt lived near Lake Ontario she was always sending us over photos of the huge walls of snow on either side of the road, which stayed there all Winter.
It was freezing at 7 this morning down in South London. I still had some snow on my windscreen which had frozen solid. Felt even colder at lunch time when I popped out and feels the same now. Glad I'm home in the warm now :o)
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Just heard this cold easterly wind is staying with us until the middle of NEXT week :(

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Bitterly Cold Out There!

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