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Common Sense

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jacklee | 23:08 Wed 27th Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
Isn't it time we had a Minister of Common Sense?
Before any proposed legislation could be voted on, this Minister must approve it.
Just one bloke - no staff - nobody else involved - no big office.- but the absolute power to thump his desk (not a posh desk) and just say NO!
Nominations please


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Thanks everyone - meant it to be fun but enjoyed the wide range of replies.
What happens if we say the nominee must never had anything to do with politics?
Bright morning - not been outside yet but guess it's cold.
excuse me, I think that's a job for a woman!
The problem with Common Sense is that isn't.

If there were to be someone appointed I'd vote for Brian Cox.

Ok, I'll get me coat!

TWR would be much better when I think about it!

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