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Who Was It That Said

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chrisgel | 20:53 Tue 02nd Apr 2013 | News
28 Answers
We're all in this together?


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The Queen didn't say it ! But the fact of an increased payment and the timing of it upsets some enough to complain that people haven't got jobs or are having a hard time. 'Twas ever thus. Logically, the complaint should be that there are rich people, not that some get richer. Is that what you want, chrisgel ?

After all, it is the wealth, not how it is obtained, that is the complaint. It is grossly unfair that Sir Philip Green should start out with one tiny shop selling jeans and end up with billions of pounds just because he is a genius in business and the rest of us are not. Better if he were a genius in medicine, but he isn't. And the same applies to all self-made millionaires and billionaires, whether they start in retail,manufacturing,engineering ( or dealing in banking or on the money markets; Warren Buffet is a genius at what he does, too )

We are all in this together, but some are far better at starting with not much in such hard times and surviving or ending up rich. What do you propose be done for those who cannot get out of the mire?
Go as far as you want noth. With that attitude I really am not that bothered now. I am retired after working since the age of 15. I've worked hard and earned my retirement, not once have I had money that I haven't worked for. I've brought up a family and bought a house, we have both worked hard for what we have. Nothing has been easy for us either, no work, no money. No benefits to fall back on for us. I've met some nice people and put up with cr*p from a lot of other people during my working life. And it looks lke it is still around now that I'm smugly retired. It gets up my nose when I hear about people moaning how badly off they are. Grow a pair.
I'm feeling much better now Society ♥
You've grown "a pair"? ♥
Its getting crowded down there...
funnily enough i don't begrudge that at all, it's costs tuppence a head when the figures are worked out per citizen, she has done a long and arduous job for UK, so let's not bash those who can't answer back eh?
Not a fan of the Royals at all, but we are where we are.

The Royals give a lot of people please rich and poor and this is not a huge amount of money in the grand scheme of things. As pointed out people get emotive about what seems a big sum to them but if it was divi up amongst the people we simply would not notice it. In addition the Royal family do employ a lot of people. I am sure they would notice it if the Royals had nothing. Or perhaps that is what you want, more people on the Nash?

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