I quite often buy items on ebay, I have a PayPal account which I always use to pay for the items I have purchased however I have a few items that are no longer of use to me and would like to sell them on ebay, I have never sold on ebay before so how do people pay money in to my PayPal account, is it recognised automatically from my buying things or do I have to give an account number etc, any help on this would be much appreciated.
when you list your item you can choose your payment method, Paypal is the prefered option so that will be the first choice,when someone buys from you they will automatically be asked to pay that way
If you already have a paypal account linked to ebay that you use to pay for items on ebay then ebay will have the information they need to make sure the payment goes to you
When items have been sold your money less Ebay fees will appear on your My Ebay tab. You can ask for money to be transferred to bank account/ Paypal from there.
The email address you use on eBay must be the same as your PayPal email. You can also send and receive money via Paypal by using an email address outside of eBay.