Tortoise Problem in The AnswerBank: Animals & Nature
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Tortoise Problem

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rsvp | 19:03 Sat 06th Apr 2013 | Animals & Nature
2 Answers
It's a long and very boring story but I now have four rescued torties in my care however..... they are three different species. 2 young marginated well under eight years old (probably 1m& 1f) - I Hermanns (f) about 8/9 years and a male Horsefield who is maybe about 12 years. These ages and species have been substansiated by people who know far more than me! From research I have a reasonable knowledge about them and have kept the beasties alive and well . Have weighed them regularly and they seem to be flourishing. I have a brilliantly constructed and very large outside enclosure where they will enjoy a solarium, shallow but safe pond, researched plants (but I will also supplement) and an environmentally constructed pen. My question is - can I put them in together - I realise the male horsefield may try and mate with the older Hermanns but wouldn't the eggs be infertile? I also realise it would be a huge waste of resources for the female Hermanns to produce infertile eggs but how is this any more a drain on her (if it happened) than if she had fertile eggs? Any help appreciated
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This seems to me, to be highly specialized knowledge.
Have you tried seeking advice from a zoo's reptile section, I think they may to be able to help.
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thanks chipchopper - I have contacted the local tortie group and they have suggested all sorts of dire and terrible things but seem to keep a lot of their own torties in less salubrious conditions than mine enjoy! - will take your advice - thank you

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