Tony, yes I am aware of that, can you remember what she did prior to the Miners strike?, Give the police a good pay rise, the army / she stocked up the power stations to the hilt, there was HGV tippers running well over their weight to stock up the power station, & for one reason only, The miners brought down the Heath Gov, she said this will never happen again, the strike was on, Nottingham miners were told, you will be alright we will look after you, they certenly paid the price, the miners went all out to get the person to back off, but she just sat back & watch families destroy each other, father / son / son's in laws / daughters, the police Mocked the miners by showing their PAY SLIPS & sticking it in their faces on the picket lines, the army was ready for back up, the Gov knew they were going to win, they had the money, they had the food, Thatcher give person's the Bait by letting them bye the Council homes ( I am not knocking the council home owners) She had them where she wanted them " BY THE B@LLS" go on strike, loose your home, council regained your house, you were on your @rse, No House >>No job>> Family's Getting at each other & fighting each other, as said, I will not jump for joy with her death no matter "what people think of my views" this clown & his puppets are not in the same leauge as M.T. whatever she was, she had B@ALLS, regards compasion, she did not know what it meant, as the likes of the Miners Villages in Yorks / N.East / (Notts Paid the price)/ N.Wales / S.Wales, but who gained? but who lost a great deal more?