Does anybody feel a little guilty when and if they go to bed for a nap - should have said rest as I don't do sleep as in insomnia - in the afternoon. I do it but absolutely feel ancient and old. looking out at that weather would really get you down.
If I happen to nod off for a few minutes after lunch, I am rather annoyed with myself when I wake, because I feel that I've been wasting time sleeping!
I always have an afternoon nap for 20 mins or so at the weekend if I can. I make up for the time lost by being more energised for the rest of the evening. It's a continental thing to do rather than an age thing.
I have rather a strange regime as I take my dogs out very very early in the morning then either go back to bed or nap in the afternoon. Sometimes I stay up late to watch a movie or because I am doing something then I will sleep for 3 or 4 hours, get up, walk the dogs and catch up on sleep the next day. I don't work and have no dependents apart from the dogs so I please myself. My late husband was at sea and I used to travel with him so I have had periods of shiftwork sleeping for many years (and went back to it when he was ill) so to me its no big deal to sleep when you want to.
I always feel sleepy around 4pm and if possible will have a 20 min nap. It helps me keep going during the evening, as I don't sleep well and am often awake for an hour in the night.
I'll sleep whenever I can - there is nothing to feel guilty about, conne, why should you? I've just had a nap while OH is watching the rugby. I often have a nap when I get home from work in the week, then start again for the evening.
Naps are a good thing, just wished I had time to take one everyday.
Conne, you live alone, why do you feel guilty about having a nap? You live your life as you see fit, and do as you well please. When a person is hungry they eat, when they are sleepy they should sleep also. Sleep is very, very important to the well-being of the body.
society you are right I do live alone but going for a nap is a lonely old thing - never saw it coming. I don't have great health but am mobile so to me going to bed is more loneliness., think should be doing the things I did when I was young ie danced 5 nights - never drank - shopping - not interested in all that. My friends have said I have allowed myself to grow old too quickly.