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Them - TV series

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10ClarionSt | 21:29 Sun 29th Jan 2006 | Film, Media & TV
5 Answers
Does anyone remember a TV series called "Them" from the 1980's? It was about alien invaders and you could only see them if you had special glasses on. Is it possible to buy a DVD or video of the series? Any help appreciated. Thanks.


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do you mean 'they live' the john carpenter film?
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I think your nephew is getting the above mentioned "They Live" (which includes the longest fight sequence ever commited to celluloid) and the TV series 'V' mixed up.
Quite similiar plots and came out around the same time.
Oops - too late!
The above mentioned fight sequence is amaaaaazing!
just when you think its over they go at it again - well worth watching (the film is rubbish by the way but quite creepy)

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Them - TV series

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