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Bank Holiday

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DaisyNonna | 13:38 Mon 27th May 2013 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
How could I have guessed? Same films and repeats. Hopes it is warm enought to do the weeding this afternoon.


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We're out in the garden, blue sky, sunshine.
Hope weather better with you Daisy. Was in the garden all day yesterday and got a lot of weeding done and tubs planted up. Thank goodness, it's tipping it down today. 4 seasons in one day up here lol
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Sun but chilly wind. May drop later.
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I love 'em - a paid day off work. Hurrah!
why don't you like them, desky?

You mean I've got to pay myself for a day off boxy?
Weather is miserable, grey, damp and chilly - Bank Holidays are just another day to me.
Bank holidays can't seem much different can they desktop if you don't work or go out much- the only difference I can think of is that there is no post so no post/parcels to arrive
I love 'em too and I've got another one tomorrow - Happy Birthday Your Highness.
I'm watching the tennis.............
I'm just trying to relax as I was quite busy yesterday. Had a nap for about 1.30 hours and now I'm feeling a bit groggy.
Bank holidays are not half as good when your retired!
Just to think that I prayed for these holidays when I was working full throttle.
I still love my lie in in a morning --cherish that.
Tomorrow, Prudie..?
I know it's not actually tomorrow boxy but we always get this Tuesday off for her birthday.

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Bank Holiday

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