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A Man Goes To See The Doctor.

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cupid04 | 01:27 Sat 01st Jun 2013 | Jokes
8 Answers
A man with a frog on his head goes to see the doctor.
Doctor says 'How on earth did that happen?' Frog says
'I have no idea. He started out as a wart on my arse.'


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That Wharts gets everywhere, eh, Cupes?
Question Author
Oh dear, I hope he's not offended, lol!x
Hi cupid pal x.
Watch it shoota :-)
Question Author
When a man loves a woman
Can't keep his mind on nothing else
He'll trade the world
For the good thing he's found
If she's bad he can't see it
She can do no wrong
Turn his back on his best friend
If he put her down
Question Author
That wasn't meant to be here^^
Black guy goes into pub with a parrot on his shoulder.
Barman says "That's a beauty, where did you get it?"
Parrot says "Africa".
Question Author
see what you made me do, creeping up on me like that, lol!
Question Author
A ghost walks into a pub
and the barman says sorry mate we don't serve spirits!

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A Man Goes To See The Doctor.

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