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How Will This Pan Out

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tamborine | 22:44 Mon 03rd Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
His ex has left her OH and she has the kids from each hubby. He has been in a relationship with my girly for 4y (no kids).

He is absent now……do you think, as I do, he's back with his ex & child?


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Hard to say when we don't know the people involved.
do you mean he has left your daughter's place without any word and just left her high and dry? If so then it is looking a distinct possibility. But he would need accomodation, that should leave a trail, also, what was his staus with your daughter ref their home? Don't let her get stuck with his half of any bills!
Tambo, to make sense (for me) more information needed please.
Difficult to say without more info tambo. Hopefully he's slung his hook. Be glad your daughter hasn't any children by him. Has he just taken off without a word and left her with his debts?
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He says he's sorting out somewhere for the ex & kids to live. I darent ask more as am told I'm too distrustful ;(

He lived with my daughter in her flat and shared the costs. I can see only disaster ahead, can you ?

Got it now. Maybe your daughter should listen to her mother and move on.
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You're thinking like me society..... I wonder what a male outlook would be ?
Hard to say, the ex and her kids should surely be able to sort out their own place but maybe he wants to see them settled and out of his hair. It's up to your girl to tell him to go, if he hasn't gone already, just tell her you are there for her if she needs to talk to you.
He has equal responsibility to his child.
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Would equal responsibility make you return to your OH if he wanted, ummmm
Has he given your daughter any explanation?
After being in a relationship for 4 years and then out of the blues just ups and disappear, something is not right.
No, but I would do whatever I possibly could to make sure my child has a roof over their head. I would expect the same from their father. I would also hope that my childrens father would be concerned about my emotional state after I went through a breakup.

As it happens my ex came over from Ireland when I split with my ex to make sure me and the children were okay. That's being a responsible and decent human being.

Don't think too negative just yet.
Ummmm, now that's a thoughtful ex and a man. He owned up to his responsibilities. Kudos to him.
He's a good man and his GF at the time, now his wife, had no issue with it.

I hope for Tambo's daughter that he's also doing the right thing.
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I hope that's what he's doing then ummmm but am doubtful.
That's because he still loved you then, maybe now too. :)
That's your motherly instinct and it's only natural.
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They could move in with me I spose, if desperate. No-one's talking to me just now, lol
Tambo, that because they think you are meddling in their business. :)
But, as a mother you cannot help yourself. Parents always want what's they think is best for their children.

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