Okay well - For the past 2 days i've been really sick to my stomach, there's like a dull ache that runs from right under my breasts into my stomach, it keeps coming and going on it's own, and when the pain comes I get really quezzy and i have like a little hot flash and my mouth waters like i'm goin to vomit...... I wish i knew what it was -- First i thought i was pregnant but i'm on my period and have been bleeding a little to medium - but it hasn't been like a normal period....... Can anyone help....? Thank You
I don't wish to alarm you, but you could be pregnant. Anyway, this site is not linked to NHS Direct so you should see your G.P. if symptoms persist. You are obviously worried enough to share your concerns, make an appointment, all the best.
no idea what might be wrong but u r obviously worried and probably scared as to what it might be jennie--i agree with nagnag--if u don't want to talk directly first to ur gp--i'm assuming u r in uk--then please please jennie contact nhs direct and talk to a professional--call 0845 4647--available 24 hrs--u could also try writing symptoms down (mark the envelope urgent and confidential) and hand it in for ur gp at ur health centre--often these things turn out to be less serious than many people fear jennie--once u have taken the first step of calling or writing i am confident the next step u'll find much easier--i really hope u do this jennie and good luck--arthur