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It's The Middle Of June....

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Jeza | 09:58 Sat 15th Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
And I'm frozen. The heating is on, at the rate the summer bills are going to be a high as the winter ones. I'm in West Yorkshire. What's it like where you are, has anyone got any warm sunshine?


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Sunny but a little bit windy in Hastings but got no heating on and window open.
OK, I don't want to make you lot jealous, so I won't say a word:)
yeah, but I'm not blonde or a chav, tony!
I don't find it cold at all.

Put a jumper on people!
as headwreck said - freezing here in ni. Going to put heating on in a mo - looked out of back bedroom window and neighbour was hanging big towels on her line - within secs had to take them off with the rain - this weather truly would put you nuts - looking out pouring down now. One has no desire to go out for a walk - me anyway. I have heard August we are going to have one month of rain - what's new pussycat!
Didn't think that you are, cupid lol.
Im in Devon, not too bad, dry but not so warm.

OK, I don't want to make you lot jealous, so I won't say a word:)

Yeah right, stewey.
It's a strange country this. Instead of the seasons being 3 months long each (judging by the weather) we get 3 months of winter, 4 months each of spring (usually cold) and autumn (usually cold) and then a month of summer (if lucky).
Blue sky with big white fluffy clouds here. We are still waiting for much needed rain. The water butt has been empty for weeks. (south east)
Its very windy now too, it wasnt earlier. this morning.
Sunshine and blue sky here in south Kent, but a bit breezy
Lovely and sunny here, just outside Caernarfon, been nice all day, bit breezy, fresh, but nice enough to have the windows and door open, X
PD James might describe the weather here as: An azure sky strewn with tatters of wispy clouds; scintillating sunlight; the slightest susurration of a breeze toying with the leaves; and the blissful sensation of warmth mellowing one into a rapturous afternoon slumber...OK, I'll leave now:)
Gloating is not good,stewey...:-)
It rained and was chilly this morning... Sunny and warm-ish now. We are due all day rain tomorrow in west Devon.

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It's The Middle Of June....

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