If you're willing to consider a surgical solution, the usual option is to have breast implants inserted. It's a drastic and costly step and there may be complications from the surgery, including the possibility of the implants rupturing, but on the plus side you can choose your desired size and shape exactly and results are almost immediate. Two newer procedures are available in some parts of the world, stem cell surgery which involves liposuction and fat transfer to the breast area, although this has only limited use for breast enhancement so far, and injections of a hyaluronic acid filler deep into the breast area, although this makes a much more modest difference than is offered by breast implants and needs to be renewed every year.
If you're only willing to consider natural solutions, there are still a surprising number of options you can try as there are many methods by which women attempt to promote their natural breast development. These methods are known collectively as natural breast enhancement (or sometimes as natural breast enlargement) and it's a subject which is becoming increasingly popular. The main websites which detail the various methods of natural breast enhancement are 'Breast Nexus' and 'NBE Quest'. None of the methods discussed on these sites are clinically proven and most rely on traditional knowledge or folk medicine, although there are more modern ideas too.