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10ClarionSt | 15:58 Sat 22nd Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
I think there's been a post about this too, talking of quiz answers. On Family Fortunes, Les Dennis asked a woman to name a tourist attraction you might see in Paris? Arc de Triomph? Eifel Tower? The Louvre? Notradamme Cathedral? She actually said .......................Hawaii! LOL!


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My favourite family fortune clip was the man who gave the answer turkey to most of the questions. Bet he felt a right one :)
lol Factor. That has just tickled my OH...
A contestant on Pointless last night took a guess and answered a question on assassinated presidents - she chose the location - Dallas, her answer JR - I was speechless.
Sorry - just seen the article below on Pointless.
that made me laugh, factor!
I can't remember the name of the show, but when I was much younger I saw it.. you had to put a word between the two on screen to make two new words.

French................. Box. the correct answer was window. French window, window box.

the contestant said "letter" :o)
LOL @ sara .
I remember the classic one, name a bird with a long neck, answer given Naomi Campbell, should have been swan.
And on Blockbusters, 'What P's were described as the lungs of London?'
A; Prostitutes.
Parks was the answer Bob was looking for.
Capital of England E

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