While SIQ went rather overboard, I still think he has a point. To be sure, against murder and rape and other such crimes this one pales into almost insignificance, but that doesn't stop Forrest from being a real criminal just as much as a murderer is. Moreover, details are emerging that suggest that there is more to this case to incriminate Forrest still further -- such as getting the girl to change her testimony through a third party, and perhaps even having been with or tried to solicit other young girls. In particular the girl only claimed that she was suicidal at the court case and not during the initial interview, so this may be a fabrication designed to make Jeremy Forrest look "trapped".
Of course, all these details may end up being untrue so I won't swear by them -- they are currently just allegations. But if they turn out to be true then it paints a black picture of this man, and would make him less silly and more sinister.