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Cryptic Clues Celebrities

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sis34 | 20:03 Tue 25th Jun 2013 | Quizzes & Puzzles
20 Answers
1 steal a recreation area 2 letter consumed shrub 3 invoice for cattle 4 victory on a jockey 5 also regret coal backs 6 mother company mint thank you for your help


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2 Kate Bush
1 Nick Park
3 Bill someone
65 Andrew (and rue) sacks (if the clue was coal BAGS)
4) Winona Rider
6 Mark O someone?
Bill Steer?
I meant Andrew SACHS (sounds like sacks)
bibblebub, that was a great answer. well done.
Please factor, humour me x
6. Marco Polo ???
3) Buffalo Bill
another good one bibblebub.
If it's not Marco Polo TheWinner, it should be. Great answer
What's up, Psybbo? I guess you don't like my avatar.
Thank you mazie, I have to got to bed now as I have a very, very, early start tomorrow. Thank you for your kind comment. xxx
Marco Polo must be right- great answer
Night Winner, Sleep well. x
Thank you factorfiction, you are very clever yourself, and I appreciate your comment. I need to go to bed now, and thank everyone for your very kind comments. See you all tomorrow. x
night night mazie. xxxx

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Cryptic Clues Celebrities

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