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Red Arrows Over Nottingham Soon ....

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Ann | 10:25 Sat 29th Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
If you live in or are near Nottingham, The Reds are doing a special flypast at 10.58 am today for Armed Forces Day. :)


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Right sounds great Ann, besides the Red arrows is there something else going on in Notts then ?.
Here are their times for anyone else interested:-

1028hrs - Take off RAF Scampton

1058hrs - Armed Forces Day Flypast

1120hrs - Land RAF Scampton

1344hrs - Take off RAF Scampton

1400hrs - Display Scarborough

1425hrs - Flypast Filey

1433hrs - Land RAF Scampton

1700hrs - Take off RAF Scampton

1739hrs - Land RAF Brize Norton
All to the East then.
They leave Brize Norton tomorrow and do a display at Silverstone at midday before recovering BN.
To the South tomorrow.
in my town (st ives, cambs)

spitfire fly-over later today
Great stuff excel, whats going on there then, is that anything to do with Armed forces day ?.
Question Author
Here is the timed programme for everything going on in Nottingham today
Looks like you are getting the Hurricane, Excel and we get the Spit today!

Hurricane is due over St Ives at 16.10.

All the times are here:-

affirmative tony, a whole programme of events for 'armed forces day'

interesting info barmaid, my local paper said it was a spitfire - however a hurricane will be just as impressive
Question Author
Think we will have more chance of seeing them here from 17.00 leaving Scampton and arriving at Brize Norton 17.39. We are 19 miles South of Nottingham. Apparently the Red Arrows were 12 mins late over Nottingham, my brother saw them.
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The RA I mean not BBMF.
We saw them - 10 of them (which I had to explain to Mr BM). No idea what time it was, probably 5ish. Straight over the lake.
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Lucky you BM - how lovely! but strangely quiet here :(
Hope we see them tomorrow coming back from their display at the start of the British Grand Prix.
You won't Ann. They are staying at brize Norton til Monday. So they will leave BN, display at Silverstone and then back to BN. You might see them Monday.
We've just had the police helicoptor doing a fly-past!
That helicopter was looking for nose pickers in your area carrust.
And arse-scratchers GC :-)
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Thanks BM - had forgotten that, I did look earlier at their transit page. We had a brilliant view of them last year right over our garden after the GP. They never fail to thrill us, wonderful view ........... easily pleased LOL ;))

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Red Arrows Over Nottingham Soon ....

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