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Don't worry you are in the same position as my boyfriend, he was caught about 6/7 years ago with one E on the way back from a night out! As like my boyfriend that;s the one and only time you've been in trouble with the law that will be in your favour! When we got to the airport they kept my boyfriend for about 45 mins waiting in a room, again made him feel like a criminal, but they just wanted to confirm things, they even laughed when they found out what he'd got done for!!
I can't really remember now but I think he had to take quite a few things with him to his interview, proof of address, proof he's working, proof of his holiday and that he has funds for it etc etc, but when you book your interview make sure you get them to clarify exactly what you need to bring as the phonecall is expensive so you don't want to have to make it again and you will get turned away if you don't have the right stuff with you!
You will almost certainly get the VISA refused but then it will be referred to Washington and you will again almost certainly get it! So don't worry, most importantly make sure you allow at least 4-5 months min for this process. The whole process took about 3 months for my boyfriend but just be on the safe side allow as much time as possible!
Good luck, let me know how you get on.
Kirst :0)