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Going commando

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Adria03 | 00:02 Fri 11th Jan 2002 | Phrases & Sayings
3 Answers
what is "going commando"?


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Going commando is when a bloke does not wear any underwear underneath his trousers/shorts. Where the phrase originates from I don't know, however.
I believe it's a term for either sex going out without underwear. It's supposed to originate from the theory that Commandoes don't wear underwear - maybe someonce can confirm that? It came into popular usage after being heard on an episode of 'Friends' a few years ago.
I think the commando link is real...because Lord Lovats commando unit in WW2 were largely scots, who (at least in kilts) are famous for their lack of nethergarments.

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Going commando

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