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Atheist ‘Church’ Launches In Usa

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naomi24 | 08:25 Tue 16th Jul 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
160 Answers
Atheists – what do you think of this? Do you feel the need for a sense of community - or to 'Come Out' as an atheist?

Personally, I abhor the way in which this appears to be emulating Christianity. These people don't speak for me.


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Mikey, how bigs the pin? And are we talking 'drawing' or 'safety'?

Those parameters make a big difference to my calculations.

I'm not too sure about this but I would have thought that you could get lots more angels on the head of a safety pin than one of the pins you use in dressmaking...never thought of it that way !
Hasn't happened to me that often, Khandro.
Are you still arguing over a church...................... Give people some freedom.
////If Dawkins or Harris converted to religion tomorrow that wouldn't make them any less intelligent. It would however, make them far less rational as they would have given up free thought in favour of dogma./////

I always knew the basis of atheistic rationality didn't I? that you are rational only if you are an atheist. Thanks for proving me right my little Birdie.
Keyplus - There is no such thing as atheistic rationality. There is just rationality.
If you have faith i.e. You believe things without any evidence or reason, you are not rational.
I'm afraid you were wrong on 2 counts regarding my last posting:
(a) I did not cherry-pick from Naomi's comment by omitting the reference to this individual's hirsute appearance. To include that part would simply have added to my objection of her preference for the physical and attitudinal appearance e.g Dawkins et al - "steely jawed and determined". Why not hirsute and lacking a steely jaw? I repeat that Naomi demeaned herself with what was a stupid comment (the word stupid referred to her comment, it did not and still does apply to Naomi herself).
(b) Your confidence in Naomi's "defending" herself (not called for by me) has been misplaced I am afraid. Her response to my question "Is her philosophy really influenced by the appearance of the debater..very sexist and stupid" is there for all to see: "If anything is stupid that is...not worthy of a considered response".
That sort of insult is typical of a person who believes they are always right and cannot bring themselves to admit even a slight slip but in my opinion it was a big error.
For those who do not read all the posts, I was an atheist long before Dawkins et al appeared and remain so. I am also against this atheist clan - please see my earliest post.

Perhaps the reason for the atheist 'church' is very simple, they just want to have conversations without having to guard their tongues lest they cause offence to believers.
Thank you for your brief and insulting post which revealed a pompous streak in your nature, not for the first time!.
I am aware that you have many atheist admirerers on this site, indeed I used to be one.
Your apologist Lazygun accused me of cherry-picking!
Why on earth did you instigate this "debate" at all? Was it to cherry-pick and insult people who disagreed with you?
This whole idea and it's public advocates have held themselves up for ridicule by both theists and atheists and were really a non-topic before you posed your "question" and your personal views rolled into one.
You ask a question and then say you don't want a conclusion.
Interestingly you have made more postings regarding this topic which you started than anyone else.
The same debate would have followed the same course if posed by any
self-opinionated bored housewife or bored househusband.
Please treat any questions above as rhetorical - I've heard enough of this non-debate.
@SIQ No amount of rationalisation on your behalf can hide the fact that you cherry picked from Naomis response - selectively quoted her, therefore not providing the context for the remark.

As for this drivel
"That sort of insult is typical of a person who believes they are always right and cannot bring themselves to admit even a slight slip but in my opinion it was a big error."

You seem unaware of the irony of you posting that.
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SIQ, my sins are great indeed. Bye bye.

Keyplus, Chris is right. Rationality doesn’t come in different varieties.
//Still, nobody has choked to death swallowing their pride.//

Perhaps not, but unless their name is Fido, they might well have broken their back in the attempt . . . don't ask me how I know that. :o/
I'm still trying to work out why SIQ, LG and Naomi are arguing.
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Jim, read my post at 09:40 Tue 16th Jul 2013 page 1, and solvitquick’s at 00:13 Wed 17th Jul 2013 page 5 - and take it from there.
-- answer removed --
realistically, a truth borne out in many lives. You must admit that man hasn’t solved all problems.

So what can is solve, well like many people today, Solomon tried to find satisfaction by pursuing a life of pleasure. He reports: “I did not hold back my heart from any sort of rejoicing.” (Eccl. 2:10) Where did he search for pleasure? According to Ecclesiastes chapter 2, he ‘cheered his flesh with wine’—at the same time maintaining self-control—and pursued such activities as landscaping, designing palaces, listening to music, and enjoying good food.

Does the Bible condemn having a good time,No
But Solomon discovered that a life centered on pleasure was “a striving after wind.”—Eccl. 2:10, 11.
Remember, life passes by quickly, and there is no guarantee that our short life will always be marked by good health and freedom from problems.

Sad yet, the Bible urges us to make wise decisions while we are still able regarding how we will use our life. In that way, we will be able to avoid frustration in later years. (Eccl. 12:1) How sad it would be if we were to waste the best years of our life chasing the attractions of the world, only to find that they are no more substantial than the wind!
Never underestimate the power potential of the wind . . . what with all the hot air that blows around in these parts here so much of the time.
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^^ :o)
goodlife,// How sad it would be if we were to waste the best years of our life chasing the attractions of the world, only to find that they are no more substantial than the wind! //
replace" the world" with "religion" and you're getting closer to the truth.

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